Haag + Zeissler Maschinenelemente GmbH:
Together for a sustainable future
At Haag + Zeissler Maschinenelemente GmbH, we emphasize sustainability and protect the environment. Our efforts towards a sustainable future are deeply rooted in our corporate philosophy.
In partnership with our customers and partners, we strive to make a positive contribution to the environment and promote sustainable solutions. Let’s work together to create a greener and more sustainable world.
Our commitment is reflected in various aspects of our company:

paperless company
Through the digitalisation of our processes we have become a paperless company. This not only conserves environmental resources, our digital infrastructure also allows us to be available to our customers, suppliers and colleagues from anywhere in the world.
Everything is transparent and information is quickly available, so that we can work sustainably and more efficiently, in the best interest of our partners.

Business travel restrictions/
online meetings
Thanks to the digital conversion of our workplaces, we can largely do without business trips.
We can start a Teams meeting from any area of our company and virtually invite our customers or suppliers to join us so that we can discuss even technically complex issues personally and directly.

Building insulation/
sustainable construction
When planning the renovation of our commercial buildings in 2021, a key consideration was that sustainability of the selected building materials, energy efficiency and a look into the digital future should play a major role in the design of the construction project.
All commercial buildings were sustainably thermally insulated and fitted with triple glazing.
After completion in 2023, we can proudly say that we have fully lived up to our claim here.

Heat pumps
In the course of the renovation, we changed our heating concept to environmentally friendly heat pumps – here, we all benefit from the efficiency, cost-effectiveness, self-sufficiency, supply security and durability of modern heat pumps.
The CO2 balance of the electricity used for heating is significantly lower compared to other fossil heating systems.

LED lights
When renovating our business premises, we replaced all lamps with LED lights. This applies not only to our office complex, but also to the warehouse, the production area and all outdoor lighting.
We save energy and greenhouse gases here.

In 2022, we began operating our 50-kWh photovoltaic and storage system. This means that we generate a large portion of our electricity needs ourselves.
Other advantages of a photovoltaic system are self-sufficiency, a stable energy source, a long service life and recyclability.

Hybrid and electric vehicles
We have already converted 80% of our vehicle fleet to electric or hybrid vehicles.
We charge them in an environmentally friendly way, mainly via our 50 kWh photovoltaic system!

We rely on cardboard for the packaging of our products and largely avoid the use of films and foams.
Today, more than 85% of the corrugated cardboard and adhesive tapes used are already made of recycled paper.